Dr. Karen Way is a Holistic Chiropractic Physician Specializing In Functional Medicine
A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. |
Dr. Karen Way is a Holistic Chiropractic Physician Specializing In Functional Medicine
A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. |
MONDAY10 am - 6 pm |
TUESDAY10 am - 6 pm |
WEDNESDAY10 am - 6 pm |
THURSDAY10 am - 6 pm |
Initial Chiropractic Consultation
Follow-up Chiropractic
Initial Functional Medicine Consultation
Follow-up Functional Medicine
60 min
TECHNIQUESSOTGentle work with the spine and the skull and its cranial sutures, the diaphragm, and fascia.
BESTA hands-on physical yet non-forceful, energy-balancing procedure.
NETA holistic approach to well-being focusing on imbalances in the structure of the skeletomuscular system, unresolved "negative emotional blocks", toxins in the body, and deficiencies in nutrition.
Karen Way, DC
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Monday 10AM–6PM Tuesday 10AM–6PM Wednesday 10AM–6PM Thursday 10AM–6PM |
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